(a) For any Program where use of the Skype software will be fifteen (15) minutes or less in duration, You shall transmit an identification announcement at the beginning and end of such use, as described in the Skype Broadcast Guidelines With respect to any Program where there is no visual image being Broadcast, the following requirements apply: When using Skype software in any Program for Broadcast, You agree to comply with any applicable terms of the Skype Broadcast Guidelines (as may be updated from time to time) and the following additional requirements, except where prohibited by law:Ģ.1 Audio Programs. Skype Identification in Programs for Broadcast

Unless agreed otherwise in writing by Skype, if You do not agree to these Broadcast TOS You may not use Skype software in a Program for Broadcast. If You want to use Skype software in a Program for Broadcast, You must agree to these Broadcast TOS. Unless agreed otherwise in writing by Skype, any use of Skype software in a Program (as defined below) for Broadcast (as defined below) shall be subject to these Broadcast TOS. By doing that, it will bypass Screenflick's recording, so your voice and the other person's voice are recorded.Download Skype Broadcast Guidelines 1. If you do not want to record the Skype sound effects, instead of selecing "Same as System" for the Ringing setting, you should directly select the speakers or headphones audio device from the popup. What you want to do to record them in Screenflick, is set Ringing and Speakers to "Same as System". Normally, these are both set to play to your speakers or headphones. So with Skype, the sound effects and conversation can be played to two separate devices.

Skype has its own settings for what device to use as a microphone, another for "Rining", and another for "Speakers".